Locating multi-purpose emergency shelters with passive defense approach (case example: Sabzevar city)

Document Type : Original Article


In recent wars, vital and sensitive assets that play a key role in the country's network of activities are among the first targets of attackers. Therefore, the lives of people near and around these assets should be preserved. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to build safe shelters to save people's lives during crises. However, if the shelter is built for a single purpose, and is used only in peacetime, it will not have much economic benefit and will endanger the sustainability of this use. This problem can be solved by building multi-purpose shelters. In this research, first, information layers related to assets, privacy and indicators were identified. The layers of assets and boundaries were superimposed and matched in GIS software, and the necessary potentials for shelter establishment were obtained. In the next step, the importance coefficients of the indicators were applied to the obtained potentials using the AHP method, and the prioritization of the locations was presented. The results of the research show that 16 places are considered suitable shelters and the shelters in the vicinity of assets with educational, religious or parking uses (with an area of at least 300 square meters) are considered multi-purpose. 


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